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UTILIZE FTAs/GSPs Certificate of Origin Customs Issued CO (Online)

Customs Issued CO (Online)

Overview of Customs Issued CO (Online)

The Customs Memorandum Circular No: 212-2023 was issued by the Bureau of Customs on the full issuance and acceptance of the Electronic Certificate of Origin, e-ATIGA Form D. It is also in compliance with one of the Priority Economic Deliverables under Indonesia’s ASEAN chairmanship this year: the e-CO’s full implementation through the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) ASEAN Member States (AMS) may only issue and accept e- FORM D to claim or grant ATIGA tariff preference starting on January 2024. Paper-based CO may only be used in case of system downtime in the National Single Window (NSW) or the ASEAN Single Window (ASW).

CO Application Process for Wholly- Obtained Goods

Account Goods Apply Review Approve Reference
  1. 1 Exporter creates an account on the BOC E-CO Portal.
  2. 2 Exporter to add wholly-obtained goods to E-CO portal under Wholly-Obtained Goods.
  3. 3 Exporter applies for E-CO on the E-CO portal.
  4. 4 BOC-ECD/ED reviews the application and recommends for approval.
  5. 5 BOC-ECD/ED approves the e-CO application.
  6. 6 Electronic Certificate of Origin reference number will be generated

CO Application Process For Pre-Evaluated Goods

Account Submission Issuance Completion Upload Application Review Approval Generation
  1. 1 Exporter creates an account on the BOC E-CO Portal.
  2. 2 Exporter submits the requirements for pre-evaluation.
  3. 3 BOC-ECD issued Product Evaluation Report (PER) to Exporter.
  4. 4 Exporter to accomplish the PEL and PER excel file template.
  5. 5 BOC-ECD uploads the approved pre-evaluated list on the e-CO Portal.
  6. 6 Exporter applies for e-CO on the e-CO Portal.
  7. 7 BOC-ECD/ED reviews the application and recommends for approval.
  8. 8 BOC-ECD/ED approves the CO application.
  9. 9 Electronic Certificate of Origin reference number will be generated.

Upload of Product Evaluation Reports (PER)

PER Application
through BOC Portal
BOC Portal Monitor Screen Image
Exporter Manual
BOC E-CO Exporter Manual Monitor Screen Image

After the duly authorized personnel from ECD or Export Division, completes the Pre-Evaluation of Export product, they shall upload the PER and the list of Pre-Evaluated Goods (PEL) of each newly approved application to the e-CO portal.

All approved PERs shall be uploaded to the portal by the ECD or Export Division for reference by all ports Exporters that have been evaluated and or which PERs have been issued and uploaded to the portal can already apply for the issuance of e-CO.

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