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AHKFTA Case Model

Overview of AHKFTA Case Model

Hong Kong, China and ASEAN have long been sharing close and strong bilateral economic, trade and investment relations. ASEAN has been our second largest merchandise trading partner since 2010 and the total value of our merchandise trade rose to an all-time high of HK$1,247 billion (US$160 billion) in 2021. ASEAN was also our third largest trade in services partner and ranked fourth among our destinations of outward direct investment in 2020.

Merchandise Trade

Since 2016, ASEAN's trade with HKC has been stable at an average of USD 110 billion for five years.
Bilateral trade reached USD 117.9 billion in 2018 when ASEAN's exports to HKC amounted to more than USD 100 billion, while imports from HKC stood at USD 17.9 billion.
Despite the downturn brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic on international trade, ASEAN statistics show that the total bilateral merchandise trade between ASEAN and HKC reached USD 112.3 billion in 2020, representing 4.2% of ASEAN's total trade.
This made HKC ASEAN's sixth largest trading partner. Moreover, ASEAN consistently has a trade surplus with HKC, which amounted to USD 79.6 billion in 2020.

Trade in Services

1.ASEAN → Exports(HKD 61.6 billion) → HKC, 2.HKC → Imports(HKD 69.0 billion) → ASEAN
Chart 2: ASEAN Trade in Services with HKC (2015-2019)
Please see below for detailed explanation.
Chart 2: ASEAN Trade in Services with HKC (2015-2019)

2015: Imports (67.2 HKD Billions), Export (53.6 HKD Billions), Deficit (13.6 HKD Billions)

2016: Imports (66.3 HKD Billions), Export (52.9 HKD Billions), Deficit (13.4 HKD Billions)

2017: Imports (71.1 HKD Billions), Export (56.1 HKD Billions), Deficit (15.0 HKD Billions)

2018: Imports (75.6 HKD Billions), Export (61.4 HKD Billions), Deficit (14.2 HKD Billions)

2019: Imports (69.0 HKD Billions), Export (61.6 HKD Billions), Deficit (17.4 HKD Billions)

ASEAN - HKC trade in services have increased in recent years. According to HKC's statistics, the bilateral trade in services reached HKD 131 billion in 2019, with ASEAN's exports to HKC amounting to more than HKD 61.6 billion and its imports from HKC standing at HKD 69.0 billion. Meanwhile, HKC's trade in services with ASEAN accounted for around 10% of its total trade in services, making ASEAN HKC's fourth largest partner for trade in services, after the Mainland China, the European Union and the U.S.

Accounting for 11.3% of the total ASEAN – HKC trade in services. (2015, HKD 13.6 billion, 11.3% -> 2019, HKD 7.4 billion, 5.6%) Accounting for 11.3% of the total ASEAN – HKC trade in services. (2015, HKD 13.6 billion, 11.3% -> 2019, HKD 7.4 billion, 5.6%)

ASEAN has previously had deficit in trade in services with HKC, which has narrowed over the years as the growth rate of ASEAN's exports has been higher than the growth rate of ASEAN's imports. For example, ASEAN's trade in services deficit with HKC stood at HKD 13.6 billion in 2015, accounting for 11.3% of the total ASEAN-HKC trade in services.

Nonetheless, these numbers dropped to HKD 7.4 billion in 2019 (or 5.6% of the total bilateral trade in services).
Among AMS, Singapore has been the largest partner of HKC in trade in services, accounting for around 45% ASEAN's trade in services with HKC in 2019.

Below are examples of specific commitments in national treatment and market access made by AHKFTA parties(Trade in service Chapter 8);

Opens ship building services

Allows, in the financial leasing sector, foreign nationals to own up to 50% (versus the WTO's 40%) of the voting stock. Also, foreign nationals may become members of the Board of Directors to the extent of the foreign participation in the equity of the enterprise, while the respective limit is one-third under the WTO commitment.

Opens computer and related services, specialty design services, and spa services

Case model for overseas expansion in the BPO industry

What is BPO Industry?

Below is the business opportunities for Expansion of BPO industry in Hongkong;

BPO in HKC : Temporary movement of natural persons, National Treatment, Market Access, Open opportunities of Computer related services BPO in HKC : Temporary movement of natural persons, National Treatment, Market Access, Open opportunities of Computer related services
global earth images

FTA can be applied not only to merchandise trade but also to the services sector.

An image symbolizing the integration of the Philippines' BPO industry through FTA

The successful business industries in the Philippines can be integrated into FTA agreements, particularly in the services sector, as a potential avenue for international expansion.

Image showing overseas expansion through FTA

Utilizing FTA for overseas expansion can facilitate establishing a branch in Hong Kong, considering preferential treatment and tax reductions.

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